Please allow us Nordic Falun Gong practitioners to present to you this letter which we wrote with our sincere hearts.
At this very critical time in history, we call on all of my compatriots: It is time for you to wake up! In our disastrous motherland, on the stage is a historical tragedy deeply linked with millions of Chinese citizens.
Ever since July 20th, 1999, Jiang’s regime has been subjecting Falun Gong practitioners to the most brutal and inhumane persecution throughout human history. For the past two years, the persecution has been constantly escalating, all sorts of vicious methods been applied to torture innocent Falun Gong practitioners. In order to escalate the persecution, the Jiang regime has been utilising all state-run media to fabricate propaganda to slander Falun Gong, one of which is the frightening “Self Immolation in Tiananmen Square” event. Jiang has given the following evil orders: “To disrepute Falun Gong, to cut off its financial resources and to eliminate their physical bodies,” “Any Falun Gong practitioner beaten to death can be counted as suicide, the body burned to dashes without being identified,” “To thoroughly eliminate Falun Gong practitioners, they can be shot on sight.” Recently Jiang even gave the death order that “Falun Gong practitioners be shot without mercy.” All these have thoroughly exposed Jiang’s vicious autocracy. They would even point the guns at the citizens who have been providing them with food, clothing and all other supplies and they have put their personal interests on top of the Constitution. They have also been ignorant about the protesting voices of people worldwide, and about the fact that Falun Dafa has spread to over 50 countries and has been well recognized by the whole world. In this autocratic regime is a gang of evil politicians who brutally persecute innocent Falun Gong practitioners. Nevertheless, Falun Gong practitioners never fought back or returned any abusive language, keeping their noble belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
According to the Chinese Security Bureau, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been injured or even tortured to death and tens of thousands of practitioners have been detained in forced labour camps. Furthermore, even one thousand mentally healthy practitioners have been sent to mental asylums where they are given illegal injections that might damage their nervous systems or even cause death. Under such vicious persecution, Falun Gong practitioners have had their basic human rights stripped from them and thousands of whom have had their homes robbed by the evil police. The inhumane persecution has reached such a stage that female practitioners have been raped by policemen in the open public. Countless Falun Gong practitioners have lost their homes, jobs, income and living environments. The persecution has even been extended to their families. Even children haven’t been spared, thousands of whom have been driven out of school. One case of extremity was where an eight-month-old baby was tortured to death together with its mother! The methods that the Chinese government utilizes to torture the practitioners are no less brutal than those of the fascists. These undeniable acts of torture are happening in the 21st century, which Jiang described as “the best era of Chinese human rights.”
Subjected to the most vicious persecution in human history, Falun Gong practitioners still follow and keep their noble belief in the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. They don’t fight back, nor do they retaliate with abusive language. They remain peaceful and compassionate towards everyone. Millions of Falun Gong practitioners have used their lives and solid determination to accomplish these magnificent deeds.
On March 5th a glorious event took place in China in a city called Changchun. Falun Gong practitioners were able to use the Changchun cable TV network to broadcast footage that showed the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong, revealing to millions of viewers two videos entitled: “Self-immolation or Deception?” and “Falun Dafa Spreads Across the World.” The truth of Falun Gong has shaken tens of thousands of the citizens in Changchun. People have come to realize the truth of the persecution. However, this act greatly shocked Jiang’s regime, whom consequently issued the order that “Falun Gong practitioners be killed without being condoned.” Now, in Changchun city alone 5000 Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested. Both the police and the military are ordered to guard every individual lighting stand in the city to arrest anyone who displays Falun Gong materials on them. The Changchun police have said, “We ignore all robberies, acts of rape, prostitution, etc, but only focus on Falun Gong.” The “610” offices in Changchun City, Jilin Province as well as in other cities and provinces are currently making lists of Falun Gong practitioners who have been assigned the death penalty or imprisonment for indefinite period. A bloody massacre is being planned throughout the nation!
Dear compatriots, have you ever wondered why Jiang’s regime fears Falun Gong to such a dreadful degree? Why do they hate Falun Gong? Why would they use the state-run propaganda machine to suppress this cultivation method that has enabled millions of Chinese citizens to become both mentally and physically healthy? Is it wrong to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance? Is it wrong to be good people? Isn’t it true that the more good people there are, the better the society will be and the stronger the nation will become? Tens of thousands of innocent people have been subjected to viscous persecution only because they want to speak out the words, “Falun Dafa is good!” Why are so many people ready to stand up against this atrocity? It is simply because Falun Dafa has elevated people’s moral standards and improved their health. The decent morality of Falun Gong practitioners produces a sharp contrast to the filthy and corrupted nature of the evil people in Jiang’s regime. This is why they worry that one day their power will be taken away from them. This is why they are jealous towards Falun Gong practitioners and this is why they are persecuting Falun Gong practitioners even though we have no interested in political power whatsoever.
Compatriots, have you ever wondered why for almost three years the Jiang regime has not succeeded in eradicating Falun Gong? This is because Falun Dafa directly awakens the innocent and compassionate nature of people, which forms a great contrast to the moral degeneration and corruption of the contemporary society. Only the truth can be powerful enough to enable people to live with a benevolent consciousness and righteous wisdom. Falun Dafa has shaken the hearts of millions and has improved their health and upgraded their moral standards. This phenomenon is worth considering. If you can get close to Falun Gong and get to know these practitioners, maybe you will find the answers to all the doubts and questions that have lingered in your mind all this time!
On behalf of all Nordic Falun Gong practitioners.
March 15th, 2002.
Translated from
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