My Colleague's Surprising Happiness Upon Finding the Nine Commentaries

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A new colleague with a Master's degree joined my company recently. Not long after he arrived, he heard that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner. I was hoping to soon get a chance to explain the facts about Falun Dafa to him.

One day during lunch break, just as I was going to step out to buy my lunch, he came to my office. Right away, he asked me with a smile, "I heard about a popular book called the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party but haven't had a chance to see it, yet. Could you maybe find me a copy?"

In fact, ever since the Nine Commentaries was published, I have been involved in producing them at all levels. I have been quietly doing the three things well. However, I never kept any materials at hand and was careful to only produce as many as I needed. I always distributed them as soon as they were done. Because I didn't have a copy available, I didn't say anything to him. He saw that I was in a rush to buy lunch and gave me 10 yuan to bring a box lunch for him, too. He sat in front of his computer and continued working on his assignment.

On my way to the restaurant, I was thinking that deep down all sentient beings are eagerly looking for the truth. The thoughts emanating from the most microscopic elements of their being are true and righteous thoughts, which are precious and delightful. However, within the background noise of the human world, these thoughts may quickly disappear and finally get lost in the confusion. I had some materials explaining the facts about Falun Dafa ready and I decided to give them to him when I returned his change. This should make him even more determined to read the Nine Commentaries right away.

When I returned, I handed him his change for lunch. When I was about to leave, he surprisingly called out, "Wow. I got another [truth-clarifying] note." I asked him, "Have you ever received one before?" He happily replied to me, "I have gotten them twice. The first one said 'Falun Dafa is good.' The second one said, 'The heavens will eliminate the Chinese Communist Party.' The one I got today says, "Quickly quit the Chinese Communist Party and it tells me how to access the Nine Commentaries online.' OK, I will try it right now."

He quickly followed the instructions and the web page appeared. "Wow, I have it here! I have finally found the Nine Commentaries! There are so many websites here that I could not otherwise access. Here is the latest world news and the number of people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party. I will spread this information to my classmates and friends. It is so true that you will become a free person if you can freely access information."

I felt very happy after hearing what he said.

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