March 18, 2002 was a beautiful spring day in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, where Falun Gong practitioners from many countries marched in a parade. The support from practitioners from Russia, Canada, Poland and Germany turned this parade into a colorful, magnificent spectacle. Approximately 75 practitioners participated in this event, accompanied by Falun Dafa music. (A very beautiful, serene traditional Chinese style of music composed for Falun Gong) They marched along the most well known shopping street in Warsaw, the Nowy Swiat. Polish practitioners used loudspeakers to introduce Falun Gong to the public and also used these loudspeakers to inform of the present persecution in China. Passersby accepted hundreds of flyers. At the conclusion of the event, practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises at the famous Zamkovy Square. Children sat down in the lotus position [The crossing of the legs used in the meditation exercise] and had fun following the instructions from Chinese practitioners.

SOS March: "Truthfulness" in czech language
SOS March: "Compassion" in czech language
SOS March: "Forbearance" in czech language
Czech practitioner is interviewed by main state television (CT1)
Reading the press release
By a German practitioner
(Original text in German)
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