It was reported by “The Sound of Germany” on December 3rd, 2007, that the Editor in Chief of the Mirror Weekly said that he will never let the Chinese Communist Party decide what German media should report.
According to the report, Hans-Ulrich Stoldt, the spokesman of The Mirror Publishing House told a reporter from the Sound of Germany that a notice had been received last Thursday from Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art cancelling the Mirror Weekly Front Page Exhibition, which had been planed to start this week. This exhibition was once held in places like New York and Kaliningrad. “The agreement on the rental of the venue was reached one year ago” for the exhibition in Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art.
The report expressed that The Mirror announced the cancellation of all its related activities immediately upon receipt of the notice advising that this core activity could not be held. Stephen Augusta, Editor-in-Chief of The Mirror expressed, “We can not let the China’s examining department tell us what activities are comfortable and what are not comfortable (to them).” He also said that, because The Mirror had reported the infiltration of the spies of the CCP in Germany, the Chinese supporters of the CCP held protests in front of the Mirror Publishing House in the past few weeks.
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