The New Tang Dynasty Television's Holiday Wonders, performed by the Divine Performing Arts, will be staged at the Circus Maximus Theater, Atlantic City, New Jersey, on December 28th-30th, 2007. New Jersey State General Assembly issued a resolution to recognise New Tang Dynasty Television and Holiday Wonders. Below is the text of the resolution.
New Jersey General Assembly
Assembly Resolution
Whereas, The General Assembly of the State of New Jersey is pleased to honor New Tang Dynasty Television, headquartered in New York City, in recognition of its tireless efforts to bring Chinese-language media and culture to individuals throughout the world; and,
Whereas, The inspiring and rousing events of New Tang Dynasty Television's Chinese New Year Spectacular have thrilled audiences throughout the world for years, and the tradition will continue from December 18th, 2007, to February 9th, 2008, with the Holiday Wonders, Chinese New Year Spectacular, and Chinese New Year Splendor performances; and,
Whereas, The celebration of the Chinese New Year pays tribute to the members of all Chinese communities whose significant contributions of their customs, language, and ethic values have brought pride and spirit to their local communities, this State, this country, and this world; and,
Whereas, Reaching via satellites to the United States, Australia, Asia, and Europe, the praiseworthy mission of New Tang Dynasty Television is to promote the understanding of Chinese culture, to provide viewers with accurate information to enrich their knowledge and lives, to foster understanding between Chinese and Western societies, to assist Chinese people outside of China to adapt and assimilate to mainstream societies, and to contribute to the pluralism and free flow of information in the Chinese-language media; and,
Whereas, The strength and success of the State of New Jersey and our American society depend, in great measure, upon the distinctive and sterling qualities demonstrated by our various ethnic groups and organizations, exemplified by New Tang Dynasty Television, which share with us their rich and unique heritage; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
That this House hereby recognizes New Tang Dynasty Television, notes its significant contributions, and joins in the celebration of the Chinese New Year; and,
Be It Further Resolved, That a duly authenticated copy of this resolution, signed by the Speaker and attested by the Clerk, be transmitted to New Tang Dynasty Television.
Joseph J. Roberts Jr.
Speaker of the General Assembly
Dana M. Burley
Clerk of the General Assembly
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