April 20 was the eighteenth day of UK practitioners' relay hunger strike in front of the Chinese Embassy in London.
Early in the morning, we arrived at the Chinese Embassy to set up twenty or so posters and banners, leaving plenty of space facing the gate for practitioners to sit and do Fa Zheng Nian [a type of meditation]. At the top of every hour, we did Fa Zheng Nian. We distributed truth-clarifying materials in between. Time passed quickly.

One scene was particularly touching. While we were doing Fa Zheng Nian, a tall white man in a fine suit came to us. He pressed his hands against each other in front of his chest in Heshi, got down on his knees and kowtowed towards us. After that, he left without saying a word. We didn't know what he had seen or felt. His respect represented the support from UK people. During our round-the-clock sending righteous thoughts, many passers by and drivers expressed their support in many different ways. Many people said emotionally, "Falun Gong is so miraculous. We respect your devotion and amazing willpower. You certainly will succeed!"
At midnight, London was like a "city without night." There were still a lot of people and cars in the streets. Many practitioners from London and nearby cities came to the embassy to do Fa Zheng Nian. When some practitioners who had worked until late in restaurants in other cities arrived, it was already 3 o'clock in the morning. The candlelight glistened in the cold wind and shone upon the firm and persistent faces of the practitioners. During the night, the practitioners did Fa Zheng Nian at the top of the hours. When the morning sunlight fell on our hunger strike practitioners who had not slept a minute during the night, we could see that they were still energetic and confident.
Source: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/4/24/21297.html
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