When the door of the Minghui School opened, the first thing I saw was a group of boys holding the book Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa] and reading the opening passage, Lunyu. On the other side a group of girls folded paper lotus flowers, while some younger children were learning to recite poems from a collection by Master Li, entitled Hongyin. Teachers were helping them patiently. This familiar scene was from the German Minghui School, which is held at the end of each year when Falun Gong practitioners have a cultivation experience sharing conference.
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Minghui School students read and recite Falun Dafa books |
At the end of December, 2007, some young Falun Gong practitioners began to take part in the Minghui School, and some were returning students from the previous year. Because the practitioners are relatively spread out, it is hard for young practitioners to get together, so they look forward to attending Minghui School and seeing each other to share experiences. They are diligent practitioners in their own right, actively participating in parades, playing instruments in Divine Land Marching Bands, and passing out fliers.
Edith, the head teacher at the Minghui School, said that this year they broke up the kids into age groups. Because of her responsibilities at the school, she often could not participate in experience sharing with other practitioners. However, she said that because the children's hearts are so pure, she found a lot of inspiration from them and felt that Teacher has been helping her all along the way. In this way, she has able to elevate her xinxing [mind nature] steadily.
At a New Year's Eve gathering, older children recited or read Lunyu aloud, while younger ones recited the poem "Falun World" from Hongyin. Shanshan, an eight-year-old student, played an original piece of music composed by a Falun Dafa practitioner entitled "Falun Dafa Is Good" on the piano.
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