Recently, the Chinese Ambassador in Korea crossed over to the Korean Foreign Trade Ministry and directly pressured KBS TV Station in an attempt to stop them from promoting the upcoming New Year Spectacular presented by Divine Performing Arts Touring Company of New York. This act is seen as "directly interfering with Korean internal affairs" by the Korean people and has caused human rights organisations and people from all walks of life to protest.
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Citizens Opposing Corruption Federation representative Mr. Yoon Yong expressed, "We must stop the CCP's persecution of artistic activities in Korea. Otherwise the CCP is digging its own grave." |
Groups Protest the CCP's Interference with Korean Internal Affairs
The Citizen Human Rights Federation is formed by four human rights organizations: the Citizens Opposing Corruption Federation, Hwal Bin Dan, Korean Legislative Reform Citizen Group and the Democratic Citizen Union. On January 17th, 2008, this Federation delivered a protest statement to Chinese Ambassador Ning Binkui. They strongly requested that the Chinese Embassy stop interfering with the Divine Performing Arts Company in Korea, stop undermining cultural activities in Korea, and stop interfering with Korean internal affairs immediately.
The statement detailed, "If the Chinese Embassy does not stop its infringement upon the sovereignty of Korea, we will initiate a series of anti-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) activities, including collecting petitions on the street. Furthermore, we will openly initiate a worldwide anti-CCP movement on the Internet and condemn its evil deeds... We do not want to be affiliated with the CCP, and the great Korean spirit cannot be insulted."
Citizens Opposing Corruption Federation representative Mr. Yoon Yong expressed, "We must stop the CCP's persecution of artistic activities in the country of Korea. Otherwise, the CCP is digging its own grave."
Mr. Hong Jung Sik of Hwal Bin Dan said, "In the great independent Korea, we cannot ignore such disrespectful behavior. We must stand up to strongly protest it."
Mr. Kang Seok Boon is from Seoul. He said that the renaissance of traditional culture is a great thing. When the Japanese invaded Korea, much of Korea's traditional culture was lost. Therefore, the Korean Culture and Tourism Ministry should largely promote this event. He said that it is not right to let the CCP undermine it.
Regarding the CCP interfering with Korean internal affairs, he said, "If the current government gives in to the CCP for economic benefit, then we are affiliated with the CCP. That is a shame to our people, and we absolutely will not allow it."
In fact, this is not the first time the CCP has tried to suppress the Divine Performing Arts' shows in Korea. On January 6th-7th, 2007, the NTDTV New Year Spectacular was forced to cancel two shows planned to be staged at the National Seoul Theatre due to pressure from the CCP Ambassador. For this, the Korean newspaper Korea Daily published an editorial entitled, "Korean Government Servile to China," criticising the CCP for interfering with Korean internal affairs.
The editorial pointed out that if the Korean government stood firm and displayed in their relationship with China that they "must keep to formalities even for minor things," then China would not interfere with Korea's internal affairs, such as regulating "who is allowed or not allowed to enter," and whether or not "this performance can go on," etc. The Korean government must uphold the banner of freedom, so why would they be willing to be an affiliate country of China?
The Chinese Ambassador Avoids Journalist's Question
On January 21st, 2008, Chinese Ambassador Ning Binkui attended the "China's Current Development and Its Future" Forum in the Seoul Press Centre. After the forum, Epoch Times Journalist Li Juan handed him her card and asked if it was true that the Chinese Embassy called KBS TV Station to pressure them.
Ning dropped the journalist's card on the floor and said quickly, while trying to avoid the journalist, "I have things to do, I have things to do." The journalist questioned him further, asking if pressuring KBS directly without going through the Korea Foreign Trade Ministry was interfering Korean internal affairs. Ning stated, "I will not answer this question now. I have other things to do." Then, he quickly left.
In an online forum where Ning's behaviour was publicised, one person commented, "As the ambassador of such a big country, he still did not have the basic integrity to respect others. One does not fear the ghost knocking on the door if one has not committed any bad deeds. If the ambassador dropped the journalist's card on the floor, he better go home. Why would he avoid her if he did not feel guilty..."
Divine Performing Arts Made Chinese-Koreans Proud
The Korean Divine Performing Arts organising committee representative An Seok Sik stated that the CCP's attempt to block Divine Performing Arts last year served as free advertising for the performance and caused a great sensation in Korea. He said that the CCP's behaviour can only help the whole world clearly see its evil nature, just like carrying a rock that smashes one's own feet.
Chinese-Korean citizen Mr. Wang said that just because heard about the CCP's interference he decided to see the show. He said his parents used to teach him that all targets of the CCP's political movements are the best thing in modern history. He said that he will take a vacation somewhere to see the show if necessary.
Some Chinese people expressed that the high quality of the show exceeded their imagination. No matter what the scenery or performing techniques were, they all were world-class. As Chinese people, they feel very proud, and they denounced the CCP's action as shameful.
The Divine Performing Arts companies will present more than two hundred shows in nearly 70 cities worldwide, with an audience of more than 600,000. From February 22nd to 27th, 2008, there will be seven Divine Performing Arts shows in Seoul and Busan.
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