The exhibit was well visited. The photos of The Journey of Falun Dafa were simultaneously displayed. People were surprised and could not understand Jiang regime's evil persecution after they saw Ms. Zhang's beautiful paintings and the persecution photos in the Journey of Falun Dafa.

The exhibition wound up its' last two days in a church on the busiest street in London's downtown. More people came to see the paintings and photos. The Chairman of London Art Association and the person in charge of Canada Worldwide Culture Exchange also attended. The latter invited Ms. Zhang to attend the tea party of world famous artists to be held in London in July this year and asked her to hold another art exhibit at the party.
The visitors came to know the truth of Falun Gong when viewing the paintings. They looked at the photos of the Journey of Falun Dafa and were shocked at Jiang regime's brutal persecution. At first many looked on in disbelief. People asked for Dafa literature and more information about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. A few people even wanted to learn Falun Gong and asked for contact phone numbers for practice sites.
As the exhibition concluded and the paintings were being packed away many people were still coming to visit. They regretted that the exhibition had ended. A gentleman came to wish Ms. Zhang success in exhibiting her paintings in other countries and wished her a peaceful trip.
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