There were several people who stubbornly refused to believe that Dafa is good. Liu then gave them the truth-clarifying VCD. After watching it, they changed their opinion. Instead of slandering Dafa, they began promoting it.
Mr. Liu strictly requires himself to be a good person everywhere and all times. Once the workshop caught fire. Dozens of employees' motorcycles were inside. If the fire reached them, the gasoline in their tanks would explode. Most of the people stood safely back from the fire. Liu rushed into the burning building without a word. Mr. Li followed him. Together they extinguished the fire. Li said to Liu later, "The reason that I entered is because my motorcycle is inside, but I know you didn't have anything, not even a bicycle in there. Now I truly realize that Falun Gong practitioners are good people." Liu's actions deeply moved everyone at the factory.
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