Dozens of Falun Gong practitioners maintained their rightful and practiced the exercises together during two days outside the conference locations. Practitioners also set up display booths and distributed Dafa materials to clarify the truth, and to help innocent people avoid being poisoned by lies.

Dozens of Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners maintain peacful presence outside the conference location of the evil forum.
The forum was sponsored by characters who ingratiated themselves with Jiang's regime. Under the name of the "China Development and Spiritual Civilization", they in fact organized those political figures who act as self appointed experts in religion, culture, and science to defame Falun Gong according to the authorities' wishes. According to insiders, the backstage schemers utilized administration orders to mobilize people to come. They demanded that companies sponsored by the Chinese Government, institutions closely tied to the Party and schools to attend. They even assigned a quota of people from those workplaces and allotted tickets.
It is reported that many institutions sponsored by the Chinese Government reacted indifferently. There were large numbers of vacant seats on the first day's forum. Although there were a few more people showing up on the second day (Monday), it could be seen that many of them were "sent" to the forum by their institutions, workplaces and schools replacing their regular work or study.
Many of the attendees were staff appointed by Mainland China to work in Hong Kong. They have been quite familiar with political tactics. After the forum, some came out and told practitioners: "It is way too far gone!", "They are bullying you." Kind-hearted people felt indignant on Falun Gong's behalf. A middle school teacher who received orders to bring innocent students to hear the forum also admitted that the "forum" was completely one-sided. He had brought his students there with the intention that there would be opportunity for an instant opinion exchange enabling his students to ask questions. He felt very disappointed that the forum was totally controlled by one side and it deployed untruthful materials to the attendees.
Practitioners distributed truth-clarification materials at each entrance to the conference. People coming in and out were all willing to accept them. Over a thousand booklets and CDs were distributed in one afternoon.
Perhaps seeing the obvious peacefulness and goodness of the practitioners present, media personnel would not report this dishonest forum co-operatively. As a result, it ended hastily as if it were the final phase of a chess game. The majority of people thus escaped being poisoned.
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