Before the show, local practitioners were given permission to demonstrate the exercises and clarify the truth in the town square. Many people have already come to recognize the truth about Falun Dafa.
During the show, participating organizations performed onstage in turn. The contemporary music was very loud and it made the hall somewhat noisy, but when Falun Dafa practitioners went on the stage, the peaceful and serene Falun Dafa music turned the noisy environment into a very calm and comfortable one. Five practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises and one practitioner introduced the principles and discussed the persecution in China. The audience was deeply moved. When the 10 minute long demonstration finished, the audience gave the practitioners a long and loud applause. The host was also deeply moved and he thanked the practitioners many times. To our surprise, one hour later, the host came to us again and invited us to do the demonstration on the stage one more time to satisfy the requests from the audience.
Besides the demonstration, practitioners enthusiastically distributed truth-clarifying materials to the people coming to the show. Many local residents asked the schedule and location of the practice sites. One gentleman even offered his home as a public group practice site.
Source: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/5/24/22390.html
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