On May 22, Minghui's mother, Mrs. Mo Zhengfang, successfully obtained her Chinese passport from the Chinese Embassy (UK).
Minghui's mom expressed sincere appreciation to all the Falun Dafa practitioners and kind-hearted people in the world for their concern and support. She said, "Minghui's getting her Chinese passport is the outcome of a collective effort of various organizations of the international community. Little Minghui's parents herein wish to thank all the people who have helped Minghui get her Chinese passport, with special thanks going to the UK Government, and the China Hong Kong department of Foreign & Commonwealth Office. We also wish to thank the Houses of Lords and Commons, Lord Moyne, Edinburgh City Council, different city and county Councils and their councillors, and "Friends of Falun Gong." A sincere thank-you to Mr. Iain Luke MP, all the members of Parliament who signed the No.304 "Early Day Motion," [this Motion specifically addressed the issue of Minghui's passport] members of the European Parliament, Scottish Parliament and many of its members. Sincere thanks go to BBC, BBC Scotland, major local newspapers and radio stations in Scotland, England and Wales. We also wish to thank Bella magazine (UK) and Ms. Tracy, and other kind-hearted people whose names we may or may not know.
Source: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/5/25/22434.html
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