The Falun Dafa practitioners introduced the origin and functions of the "610 Office," which has been set above all governmental administrative and legal systems, and utilizes all media for deadly propaganda, fabrication and lies to grossly distort Falun Gong's teachings and slander its founder and its practitioners. It turned the whole society into a "massive prison" for all Falun Gong practitioners and their friends and relatives. All Chinese people are forced to live under such distorted propaganda.
One of the plaintiffs, Ms. Helene from France experienced the evil and brutality of the "610 Office" during her trip to China. She appealed for Falun Gong peacefully in Tiananmen Square but the Chinese policemen mistreated her and much of her body was covered with bruises and cuts.
Many media including VOA, RFA, Central News Agency, and Agence France Presse attended the press conference and interviewed practitioners on the spot.
To find out more about the 610 Office, click here.
Source: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/5/27/22496.html
Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/5/26/30813.html
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