May 28, 2002 was a beautiful, sunny day in the City of Dundee. Many police officers were on the streets of this usually quiet and small city in Scotland. When we inquired about the police presence, one officer told us that Dundee was one of the cities that the Queen and Prince Philip were scheduled to visit during the Golden Jubilee National Celebrations.

I was a little surprised to learn that the Queen would be attending; previously, it was announced that Prince Phillip would come to Dundee University. I thought of handing him a Falun Dafa book and truth-clarifying materials. So, on the morning of the scheduled visit, I gift wrapped Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials. I thought, Will I have a chance to give the gift to him? I realised that this might be a chance for the Royal family to learn about Falun Dafa, and that I should not let the chance slip away. Thus, three of us decided to divide into two groups and go to two locations that the Queen and Prince were to attend. The other two practitioners went to City Square whilst I went to the university.
At the university I discovered that the Prince wasnt planning to meet with the public there, so I went to City Square also. On the route to the square, tens of thousands of people were already waiting for the Princes arrival. I went ahead toward the centre of the crowded square. The Queen was to walk to City Hall from the squares centre. A few people in front of me left, and I moved forward. Then, clouds appeared and light rain started to fall. Prince Phillip arrived at the square first. A broadcast stated that the Queen would be there shortly.
The Prince, the Mayor and the public had to wait for the Queen in the rain. The Prince was on the other side of the square and talked with members of the crowd. I suddenly realized that the separate arrival of the Queen and Prince was not a coincidence. We had the chance to give Prince Philip the Dafa materials during his contact with the public. The two people in front of me whispered, Come here, come to this side. The Prince did come to our side, but talked with people a few feet away. The Prince then came to us, and I handed him the presents. Please accept my gift, I said. The Prince asked gladly, Whats this? Its about Chinese traditional culture. I answered. Oh, China, I like to go to China. And Chinese culture. Yes, what did you say about Chinese culture? The Prince seemed to be immersed in his recall on China. Yes, they are about At that moment, loudspeakers broadcasted that the Queen had arrived. The Prince accepted the gift.
The Queen entered the city hall as the crowds cheered. The two other practitioners did not have a chance to hand her their gifts. We decided to try again when the Queen was to leave. After we asked the police about the Queens departure route, we went to the other side of the square. At about 4:55 pm, the Queen came to the square again as the onlookers cheered. I had my two-year-old daughter sit on my shoulders and hold the gift, which was wrapped in golden paper. Another practitioner, holding the other gift, stood beside us, and the third practitioner was ready to take photos. At 5:00 pm, the Queen, accompanied by the royal family members, walked right towards us. She accepted the gift that my daughter handed to her, and asked, Whats this? It is a Chinese music CD with Pudu and Jishi, I answered. Chinese music? the Queen asked again and tried to figure out what exactly it was. I said, Yes, it is At that moment, the practitioner beside me handed her the Dafa truth-clarifying materials. The Queen accepted them too. Then the cheering crowd walked to our side to be with the Queen who was about to leave. We left the crowd and returned home calmly.
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