Although the practitioners didn't especially publicise the activity, most people seemed to have already known about us. Almost all the flyers were distributed.

On that day, there were many touching stories. An old couple came to our place. The old lady said, "Ever since we visited your lotus flower exhibition in the Art Gallery, my husband kept talking about Falun Gong. I told him that I didn't believe those things that are not visible or touchable. But my experiences of coming here today let me feel that I have to re-evaluate Falun Gong."
There was another man from India who learned some Falun Gong exercises in Korea but he didn't try to find out more about Falun Dafa. Later, during the year while living in Stockholm, he got the chance to talk with some local practitioners. He gained much more understandings from those meaningful talks. He is highly willing to learn Falun Gong again. He said that talking with Falun Dafa practitioners made him very happy. He realized that people today are deeply lost. He was very clear that the only way to return to one's true self was to upgrade one's moral standard. He wished to find in Falun Gong the path of returning to his original true self.
Chinese version available at
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