It is already chilly in October in Denmark. From October 15 to 17, Falun Gong practitioners in Denmark held three days of activities in five cities on the Island of Fyn.
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Practitioners demonstrate the exercises in Nyborg |
Fyn is the second largest island in Denmark and the home town of the famous writer of fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen. It has a population of around 500,000. When activities were held at Middlefart and Assens, a Danish girl was interested in learning the practice. When she heard that the practitioners would move on to another city the next day, she asked urgently, "I want to learn it very much. Can you please teach me?" For an hour she carefully learned the movements that the practitioners showed her. Afterwards she signed the petition form calling for an end to the persecution.
Having accepted information materials, a local journalist asked whether he could take photos of practitioners doing the exercises. Given permission, he snapped quite a few photos. One practitioner told him that Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) is an ancient cultivation practice in China that follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She told him how Falun Gong has spread all over the world and about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s ten-year brutal persecution of the practice. Before leaving, he said, "Good luck. I hope you do your best to rescue your fellow practitioners."
The second day, practitioners went to Svenborg and Faarborg. Even though it rained in Faarborg, many residents still learned about Falun Gong and saw the exercise demonstration.
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Local residents learn the exercises after learning the facts |
On the third day, practitioners went to Nyborg, the transport hub of Fyn. Soon after they set up their exhibition in the morning, many people asked for leaflets and to browse the photos and literature. Having heard the introduction to Falun Gong and the facts about the persecution, two Danish women signed the petition form to support Falun Gong and condemn the CCP's brutal campaign.
A practitioner said, "These few days of events have been very worthwhile. Many people have learned about Falun Gong. Having learned the facts, many signed the petition to support us."
Another practitioner added, "We have benefited in mind and body from practising Falun Gong, so we want more people to know how good the practice is. We will go to more cities to introduce Falun Gong and spread the facts."
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