AP photo: Hong Kong, Sunday evening, June 30, 2002--- Falun Gong practitioners hold a candle light vigil to protest against Jiang Zemins persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. The protest was held after Chinese President Jiang and Vice Premier Qian arrived in the territory to attend ceremonies commemorating Hong Kong's 1997 return to Chinese rule. Falun Gong practitioners said that more than 90 practitioners who intended to take part in peaceful appeals were barred from entry into Hong Kong.

Reuters photo (Bobby Yip): On June 30, 2002, eve of the 5th anniversary of Hong Kongs handover, Falun Gong practitioners sat behind a fence in a silent appeal for Beijing to stop its brutal persecution of Falun Gong. More than 100 practitioners joined the protest. At least 20 practitioners hoping to take part in the protest were denied entry.
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