Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company added an entire audience to its growing list of loyal fans, including Miss United States 2010, Jessica Black, as they performed three spectacular shows at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta, Georgia on March 8th-10th, 2011.
Miss United States sees respect and love in Shen Yun
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Miss United States Jessica Black at Shen Yun Performing Arts in Atlanta |
Jessica Black, who was crowned Miss United States in 2010, first found out about Shen Yun from her friends. They highly recommended the show to her, saying it was steeped in tradition.
So when Miss Black, who is also a former Miss Georgia, heard that Shen Yun was coming to her home city of Atlanta, she jumped at the chance.
The excitement had been building for a month, said Miss Black.
“I have to say the anticipation was absolutely worth it. It was amazing. It was a great show,” said the beauty queen.
Miss Black attended Shen Yun with her parents and her young niece; all of them loved the performance.
“My 5-year-old niece was on the edge of her seat,” she said.
She continued, “The backdrops were amazing; the costumes were amazing. There were fun, light moments, but then there were some really serious moments as far as Chinese culture is concerned. They [Shen Yun] went all the way back from the current time, and it was absolutely amazing,” said Miss Black.
Miss United States 2010 said that she was thoroughly impressed by the emcees, who informed the audience about each performance in both English and Chinese. She said she loved the dynamic of hearing both languages.
As a dancer herself, Miss Black said Shen Yun dancers had the best leaps, stamina, and artistic techniques. “They were absolutely amazing dancers.”
Miss Black found the male dancers “absolutely outstanding,” and said it is unique for male dancers to be so powerful.
“I had chill bumps. I really had chill bumps,” she said.
Miss Black also described what she felt at different moments throughout the show: peace, love, and humility. “In the sad moments, and in the happy moments, you feel all of that,” she said.
“And I think it’s amazing [that] you have people from the Western world who can come here and cultivate and show the rest of the world what 5,000 years of Chinese culture really is. That’s the best part,” she added.
Miss Black said that she really connected with Shen Yun, “because it’s a way to take your culture and show it to the world, and give it to the world.”
“It’s all about peace and love and respect. For me, that’s what being Miss United States is about as well,” she said.
Miss Black could see the qualities of gentleness, femininity, grace, respect, and style in the female dancers, suggesting that women could learn the “great attributes of what a true woman can be” from Shen Yun.
“There were different numbers where there were only female dancers, and they showed beauty, they showed grace, and they showed respect,” she said.
“I think it’s the most fantastic [show]. … I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Miss Black.
“I’m definitely going to see the show again in New York, and next year, because it was absolutely amazing,” she concluded.
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