We are gathered here today with a common goal in mind. From all over Ireland we have joined together to help end the suffering of millions in China.
Our goal is to stop the unjust persecution of Falun Gong, an ancient and peaceful spiritual practice, which teaches the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
With over 100 million practitioners, Falun Gong was initially praised by the Chinese government for its’ nurturing of civic virtues and its’ tremendous health benefits.
However, 3 years ago today, the Chinese president Jiang Zemin, banned this peaceful practice to protect his own selfish interests. Since this time, we have verified 439 deaths in custody. Government sources however put the number of deaths at over 1600. Hundreds of thousands have also been detained in forced labour camps – just because they want to believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
This persecution is unjust and illegal and it has no place in any society. For this reason, we shall definitely stand up for those who are suffering.
History will be our witness, and will condemn this persecution.
We are aware that “Coercion Cannot Change People’s Hearts” [the title of an article by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong] - this is why Jiang can never defeat Falun Gong.
We would finally like to thank all those who have extended their help to us already, as well as the people who have made today possible including Amnesty International, Dublin group and our speakers; Joe Higgins T.D., Senator David Norris, Brian Dooley from Amnesty International and Patricia McKenna M.E.P. who has sent us a personal statement on her behalf.
For those who would like to help us end this persecution, please join us in our march.
Thank you.
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