History has witnessed the wicked orders to begin the persecution. History has witnessed the large-scale arrests in the early morning of July 20, 1999. History has witnessed how thousands of Dafa practitioners walked selflessly and fearlessly to Beijing after "July 20th" just to speak the truth: "The persecution is wrong, Falun Dafa is Good!"
Thousands of Dafa practitioners stood up in the face of the evil persecution. They told the government and the people, "Falun Dafa is Good, it benefits the society in many ways and does not bring harm to anyone." This group of peaceful and kind practitioners who went to appeal were illegally detained, sent to forced labour camps, tortured, sentenced to jail and fired from their jobs.
History has witnessed how one group after another, Dafa practitioners walked to Tiananmen Square under the watchful eyes of the world, only after there was no other way to appeal. They shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! Restore Teacher Li's reputation!" while vicious police committed brutal violence against them. After being arrested they were severely tortured in detention centres. Yet they refused to give in, and refused to give their names and addresses -- they would not make it convenient for the evil persecutors to extend their violence and brutality, nor would they submit to the police's unconscionable actions in any way.
History has witnessed how Dafa practitioners were shocked with electric batons, brutally beaten, forced to do slave labour, subjected to freezing temperatures and severe heat, deprived of sleep, and hung up with handcuffed hands in terrible places such as forced labour camps and brainwashing centres. This was carried out by vicious police officers that are being misled by a nation-wide propaganda machine. Even so, they still failed to cause Dafa practitioners' determination to waver.
History has witnessed how Dafa practitioners persist in their cultivation of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," even in the face of inhuman persecution. The practitioners responded to injustice with kindness. They made the police officers realise that Falun Gong practitioners are good people; they made many prisoners say, "I'll also practise Falun Gong after I get out of prison."
History has witnessed how the evil has deprived thousands of Dafa practitioners of their innocent lives, but it could not deprive them of their faith. Over 400 names are known; behind each of these names is a moving, magnificent story. They validated their faith with their lives, awakened people's conscience.
History has witnessed how Dafa practitioners risked their lives to make truth-clarification flyers, pamphlets and VCDs, which they put into people's hands and thus offered countless lives, whose minds were poisoned by propaganda, the truth about the persecution. History has witnessed how Dafa practitioners in Changchun City and other areas brought the truth of Dafa to millions of people through cable TV, thus bringing light to people living in the shadow of lies and propaganda.
History has witnessed the sympathy and support for Dafa practitioners by governments and people in civilised nations abroad; their proclamations to honour Dafa and their acknowledgement of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" are testaments of the unjust nature of the persecution in China.
In these brief yet everlasting three years, history has witnessed so much pain and suffering, but history has also witnessed much glory.
Although the evil persecution still exists, its end is imminent. Dafa practitioners will do a better job of deeply and thoroughly clarifying the truth, exposing the evil and welcoming the end of this vicious persecution in China.
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