My sister, Bao-Lian Zhu, is 36 years old and lives in Beijing, China. She was arrested on 15th December 2000 when she distributed Falun Gong leaflets.
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is an ancient and advanced system for improving body, mind and spirit. It involves the practice of gentle, meditative exercises and the improvement of one's spiritual awareness according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.
Bao-Lian started practising Falun Gong in 1994. She became a more helpful person both at home and her work place and gave up smoking and drinking habits.
After July 20th 1999, the Chinese Government banned Falun Gong and began a campaign of brutal persecution against it. Bao-Lian lost her job several times but she continued to practise.
Since Bao-Lian was arrested, my elder sister has asked friends to help, and took a long time to find where she was detained in the police station of Chaoyang District, Beijing. The police allowed no one to visit, unless Bao-Lian signed a "reform" statement (guarantee to give up Falun Gong). But Bao-Lian refused.
After eight months, they took Bao-Lian (and other Falun Gong practitioners) to the court without informing my family, and Bao-Lian was given a 4 year sentence. Then they allowed my elder sisters, and my father, who is over 70 years old to visit her before they put her in prison.
Zhu Bao-Lian, Falun Gong practitioner, is now being detained in Beijing Womens Prison. Bao-Lian is only one of the thousands of unlawfully detained Falun Gong practitioners in China. So far, we know that hundreds of practitioners have been abused in mental hospitals, sentenced for up to 18 years, tortured, and even beaten to death.
I hope that the British government and people can help us to free my sister and all Falun Gong practitioners in China from their plight.
Mr Bao-Sheng Zhu
A resident in London
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