I had originally planned to go to Madrid for a quite a while and help out the Spanish practitioners, but just before I visited St Lucia and Dominica, I realized that my place is here in the Caribbean. So I decided to go for only about 10 days. Constrained by a small budget, I managed to find an affordable ticket from Guadeloupe to Paris after searching extensively. I took a night bus from Paris to Madrid because it was the cheapest way.
Arriving in Madrid, I contacted the fellow practitioners that I had met during the summer of 2001. Through sharing experiences, I realized that there were some problems. One practitioner accused another of making a lot of trouble among the practitioners and especially new practitioners. I was surprised to hear that and advised her to look at things with more compassion. It seemed that the group was divided on this issue, and there was quite a bit of interference. I decided to organize a meeting with the practitioners concerned to find the root of the problems and interference. After that meeting went smoothly, I saw a beautiful ring around the sun.
During my journey in Madrid, I went almost each day with Chinese practitioners to Plaza Espana to practice the exercises and clarify the truth.
I met a lot of kind-hearted people in Madrid, a retired couple in particular. When I first saw them, I knew we had known each other before. I taught them the exercises slowly and carefully, taking into consideration how much they could accept at once. They came three days in a row, and the lady hugged me like I was her son.The last day before my departure, I gave them the book Zhuan Falun.

My apologies for my poor English, as I mainly speak French. I think that it is good for practitioners to share experiences with each other, and I encourage everyone to do so.
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