In a few hours of a rainy day, at the city centre of Erbu, Swedish Practitioners told the residents the truth of Jiangs political gang of scoundrels persecution of people cultivating Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance. At the same time, practitioners also told the residents how good a cultivation practice Falun Gong is.
At the Henry Allads, near the castle, we held a peaceful appeal. The most renown newspaper, Nerikes Allehande reported about our activity.
In the 21st July report of the above papers, the journalists wrote about Jiang Zemins cruel persecution of groups who have different beliefs and opinions, like a group of people practising Qigong exercise, which is a cultivation of the body and the mind, known as Falun Gong. In Western countries it is difficult for us to imagine such kind of persecution, however through the propaganda of the Chinas Embassy, the persecution had spread to places outside of China. The Falun Gong practitioners in Erbu, Mats and Helena thought that the persecution of Falun Gong is a worlds issue. Following that, they said, Falun Gong is a pursuit of Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance; a practice which enables people to be calm and at peace. They said, In China, there were 70 to 100 million people practicing Falun Gong. The Chinas President Jiang Zemin wanted to eliminate Falun Gong within three months. It has been three years and yet the Chinese government are not able to change peoples heart.

As usual on a Sunday, Falun Gong Practitioners practised the exercises at the State Park. Although there was a torrent of rain that day, there were still many people who were interested in Falun Gong, coming to learn the exercises under the shelter of the park pavilion. This sort of enthusiastic feedback has continued ever since summer. Through different activities, exhibition and local newspapers introduction of the practice sites schedules and venues, many citizens got to know about the existence of their practice sites.
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