I am writing to you on behalf of the non-profit organization called Friends of Falun Gong USA, an organization consisting of some 500 Americans who support the rights of Falun Gong practitioners, but who are not adherents themselves. We feel that Falun Gong is a peaceful practice that is deserving of our support during this difficult time.
We are greatly concerned about the trial of the 16 Falun Gong practitioners that is currently taking place in Hong Kong. Having seen the videos and photos documenting their sit-in on March 14, 2002, it is clear that they were neither obstructing the sidewalk nor acting violently in any way, as they have been accused of doing. In fact, it is obvious that it is the Hong Kong police who were acting violently. Watching the footage of this incident is extremely jarring, and the fact that these persons are on trial for their peaceful, legal demonstration is even more jarring.
If Chinese president Jiang Zemin were not persecuting Falun Gong, there would be no need for these peaceful demonstrations, of course. The Falun Gong practitioners who demonstrated in front of the Chinese Government Liaison Office were doing a noble thing: standing up for the millions of people in China who face arrest, imprisonment, torture, threat, and even murder every day. It is clear that they have done nothing wrong. Nonetheless, they were forcefully arrested and falsely accused.
If Hong Kong buckles to pressure from Beijing, this would certainly have a very bad effect on its future. Hong Kong should be proud to allow dissenting views and peaceful demonstrations, rather than stifling them as the Mainland does. We as Americans are watching the situation in Hong Kong closely, and that of this trial in particular.
We now join many other organizations, governments, and individuals around the world in stating that we are appalled at the erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong and at the way this trial has been carried out. We hope that democracy in Hong Kong and the "one country, two systems" arrangement will not be compromised.
Sincerely yours,

Alan Adler
Executive Director,
Friends of Falun Gong USA
24 W. Railroad Avenue PBM #124 Tenafly, NJ 07670 1-866-343-7436 or 1-866-FG-FRIEND
[email protected] http://www.fofg.org
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