Sixteen accused Falun Gong Practitioners unfurled a banner outside a magistrate court in Hong Kong last week to protest. The banner read, "Strongly Condemn Jiang Zemin for Coercing Hong Kong Government to Persecute and Wrongfully Accuse Falun Gong Practitioners"
August 12, 2002, (BBC) - Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong began today (August 12) a series of protests to protest Hong Kong government's case against 16 Falun Gong followers accused of causing a public obstruction.
In the first trial of Hong Kong SAR against Falun Gong practitioners, 16 Falun Gong practitioners were accused of obstructing police and attacking police during their demonstration outside the Chinese Liaison Office. They were protesting the arbitrary detention of and death threats toward Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang Zemin's government in China
A series of protest activities
On Monday, a score of Falun Gong practitioners marched from Tsuen Wan in suburban Hong Kong to Charter Garden in the city's financial heart.
A second group comprising 15 of the 16 defendants in the case began a hunger strike on Monday scheduled to last till Wednesday evening.
A third group of followers plan another march on Tuesday.
The Hong Kong West District Magistrate Court judge will deliver his verdict on Thursday (August 15).
According to Hong Kong laws, Public obstruction carries a maximum fine of HK$5,000 (US$641) or three months in jail.
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