By a German practitioner
On Sunday, August 11th, a fellow practitioner, Miss Chang, and I arrived in Dresden to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to local government, police and media. Miss Chang had shouted out to Jiang Zemin, “Falun Dafa is good,” during his visit to Dresden in Germany. A Chinese secret service man grabbed her by the throat and then two German policemen took her away. The media in Dresden made a report about the issue.
That evening when we arrived in Dresden, the city was stricken by a heavy rainstorm. Many streetcars stopped running because the railway was destroyed by the floods. We found the spokesman of Ministry of Domestic Affairs in Sachsen State, and talked to him for two and half hours. At first he said that they did not regard Miss Chang’s action as a violation of law, and nor was her name recorded. He wanted us to set our minds at ease. We told him that we did not come because of this, but because of the illegal behaviour of the two German policemen who took Miss Chang away during Jiang’s visit. The spokesman defended the two policemen, saying that they took Miss Chang away to protect her from being harmed by the (Chinese) policemen, and that Miss Chang should not have stood within the security zone. We argued that if the policemen had meant to protect Miss Chang, they should have taken the Chinese security agents away. It was never heard of that the policemen ignored those who did harm to others, but took the victims away in a violent way. Besides, those who welcomed Jiang were still shouting their greeting there. As a Chinese citizen as well, why was Miss Chang not allowed to stand there as other Chinese? This was a violation of democracy and freedom of speech.
Then, we clarified the truth of Falun Gong to the spokesman and told him why we asked for days off work, spent our own money, and took risks. Gradually, the spokesman lowered his head, saying, “If I agreed with you, I also . . . .” When we told him that we would bring a prosecution against the two policemen, he immediately gave us some suggestion and promised to hand in our letter and information materials of Dafa truth to the Minister of Domestic Affairs.
Later on, we visited the state government, all political parties, police stations, parliaments and the media. But because of the worsening floods, the city transportation was blocked, and there was a power failure in TV stations. As a result, we could not find those we wanted to talk to.
That week, Dresden suffered from floods the like of which has not happened in 500 years, the water level reaching nine and half meters. The goods in the shops were thrown away, with no electricity, hot water and most of the shops closed. The places that Jiang had visited were flooded. With water being pumped out from the buildings, the ground was covered with a layer of black dirt. It took a few days to pump water out of the basement of Hotel Kempinski in Dresden.
Because the city where I live is far away from those that Jiang visited, I thought that practitioners in those cities would do their own duty. Consequently, as I was not seriously responsible, I did not think of how to clarify the truth in a refined and thorough way in Germany. People committed wrong doings because of ignorance, and also because of not knowing the truth.
Two days later, we brought hundreds of copies of newspapers to Dresden. We chatted with local residents and told them the truth of Falun Gong and wisdom of ancient Chinese. Based on Chinese wisdom, whenever there is a tragedy, the reason must be that people have done something wrong, and thus people should reflect on what they did. Some of the residents kept silent. The others said that people in Europe should have reflection on their behaviour and they should have dramatic changes of their thinking patterns. There is a German saying, “people think, but God makes the decision.” Human beings always consider themselves powerful and strong, but humans become incapable when faced with Nature.
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