Article From UK Dafa Conference: Officialdom Gently By-passed

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(This article was recently shared at the 2002 UK Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)

In Manchester UK when the Commonwealth games were being held, quite a wonderful event took place on Saturday 27th July and Sunday the 28th 2002.

I had spent some considerable time trying to arrange with the organizers to have Falun Gong included in a branch of the games known as Festival Live which allotted sites in the city centre for shows and demonstrations of various art forms. Eventually I was informed that we could demonstrate our practice in the beautiful recently renovated
Cathedral Square on the 3rd and 4th of August, the closing weekend of the games. As I awaited confirmation in writing I received the news that due to pressure of demand it was found to be impossible to include Falun Gong in the Festival.

I contacted the manager and his assistant and they finally agreed to forward a plea on behalf of Falun Gong to the creative director stating that we were only the 2nd group that they had done this for and I really knew that they were moved to assist us. I had previously gone to their offices to hand deliver photographs of a Falun Gong parade that had recently taken place at the Lord Mayors show in Oxford. Then an E-Mail arrived from the creative director expressing apologies about the delay because of a late start with the project and thanking me for sending further details of our intended demonstration. He also said that he would contact me in a week’s time to inform me of the outcome. Sure enough a very sympathetic E-Mail arrived explaining that due to the overwhelming demand we were once again unable to be included in the festival. I immediately sent him and all members of his team an E-Mail thanking them for all their efforts to include us and wished them every success in all their endeavours to help make the 2002 Commonwealth Games a resounding and embracing success.

During this period I had been consulting with the police about holding a parade during the games period and on first meeting with them they agreed, suggesting several dates. Again exactly the same thing happened that occurred with the Festival Live organizers, they phoned me to say a few days later that the games police committee had rejected our request because their man power was fully stretched. I arranged a meeting with another member of the police special events department and spent at least over an hour with him validating the truth. He in turn wanted to help us and directed me to another member of the special events department saying he would talk to them in the meantime. At this meeting it was explained again that the police force was unable to grant permission, but they were very sympathetic to our pleas and hinted that a walk if managed well by ourselves might be okay suggesting they would ignore us as long as we did not cause any major problems and were supervised well. They also told me to inform the city centre police of our intended plan to walk if we decided to go ahead. I must add that it was pointed out that we were on our own and their suggestion was given in a non-committed way. When I phoned the city centre police to inform them of our intended plan they were less than helpful and wanted to know where we would walk to in the city centre? I had previously applied to use the Peace Gardens and had been refused as all sites had to be left available because of the fluid movement of people and events. I told the police we hoped to walk to the peace gardens and they insisted I apply to the city council to see if they would grant permission. I did and was refused on the same grounds. When I phoned the police to tell them about the refusal they implied that in that case there was no place to assemble so we could not proceed. I casually said to the police officer “Ah well we will just go for a pleasant stroll”. I wished him a very pleasant day and hoped he would not be too stretched over the games period. When I put the phone down I knew he was rather unsure. So all doors were closed to Falun Gong on this very special event, the 2002 Commonwealth games in which 72 countries would compete and many of its people probably not knowing about Falun Gong, so we decided to risk the implications of the walk and sent out an E-Mail to the practitioners in the UK asking their support, explaining the position in limited form. At first the response was minimal, but started to pick up as the 27th neared. One of our practitioners who usually does great work with banners mailed me to let me know that she would make two banners, one stating, “Falun Gong wishes success to the 2002 Commonwealth Games” another stating, “The world needs Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.” These banners were about 4 meters long by 2 or more meters wide and proved to be very impressive. Even up to the last day we had no accurate count of how many practitioners would attend, eventually about 30 practitioners made up the party. On the Friday evening at our meeting place as I explained the very loosely knit procedure for the following days walk to the practitioners who had already arrived, I tried to lay stress on the relaxed peaceful nature of the walk as we were taking part in “The Spirit of Friendship Festival”. They wanted to know the route of the walk and I told them “there was none, I would decide as we walked along.” All I could tell them was the meeting point, which I had selected because of its prominent position and easy car parking and the time to arrive. Some wanted to know about dress code and I had hoped to discuss this with them because a festival would require an attractive eye catching form of dress. I was not to know that on the following day practitioners would arrive from Birmingham with beautiful Chinese traditional costumes which were to be used for an event in Edinburgh the following weekend and willingly agreed to use them for the walk. The colourful style of these costumes was to have a marvellous impact on our walk. Another practitioner from Scotland had brought a special cassette player, which was to contribute immensely to the walk also.

Every thing was falling into place it seemed without too much organization and on the morning of the walk as we arrived at the meeting point in bright sunlight, it soon became a blaze of colour with the banners unfurled, the ladies looked wonderful, sometimes amused, I watched them arrange themselves happily smiling and laughing, they all had so much to say to each other. We awaited the arrival of other practitioners who had set out to travel long distances to be with us. We were slow to get away and some practitioners suggested that I should call everybody to order, another said “we are going to miss it, mistakenly thinking the city population awaited us. I knew we had plenty of time and I did not want to introduce too much control and regiment to the proceedings. I had been gifted to attend the Boston Conference and later attend a special meeting with Australian and European practitioners given by Teacher Li and to me every word was infused with, “Remember that we cultivate Shan (Compassion, Gooodness)”. Gradually everyone took up their positions and as I surveyed the beauty of the gathering I knew that this was going to be a great day to show the righteous Fa to the people of Manchester, everyone of our gathering looked so happily relaxed and thoroughly friendly.

We set off to the beautiful strains of “Falun Dafa Hao” [A song written by a Dafa practitioner – the title means, “Falun Dafa is good”] Dressed in silks I led the procession with two charming Chinese children directly behind me carrying a small blue banner bedecked with balloons showing “In the spirit of friendship Falun Gong welcomes the Commonwealth Games to Manchester” I looked behind me and was filled with wonder at the sight of the ladies with shimmering fans and stunning costumes and the banners lighting up the surroundings in a most peculiar and blessed manner, I was deeply moved and completely relaxed even though I did not know what awaited us in the city centre with its heaving crowds on such a sunny day. I did know that we would visit all the sites we had been refused to enter and headed for the Peace Gardens. Complements were many as we made our way and cameras focused. “How beautiful” many said and showed complete surprise to know that we were all resident in the UK. Nice and easily we made our way to the Peace Garden, “would it be heaving with other groups and performers”? As we turned the corner there it was awaiting us with open arms and people sat around enjoying the warm sunshine welcomed us with excited looks and silent appreciation. Here we were in full colour beaming goodwill and kindness, the dance radiating the playful nature of the spirit, immersed in enchanting music, banners with their welcoming messages and being fully appreciated. After the dance I fronted a display of the practice by the dancers and then moved on to the next site, which had been officially refused to us. This was Albert Square in front of the Town Hall which was bedecked with flags and bunting proclaiming the Commonwealth Games. In this setting we paraded around the square with banners held wide and high as our walk had now become a parade. The ladies, children and all took up positions and the dance was performed in flowing rounded movements followed by the practice and hand clapping from an appreciative audience. The practitioners leafleting and, the banner holders worked hard in the hot conditions, which did not seem to have any effect on all of us. Our fellow practitioner photographer had a great opportunity and I am sure many of you have seen his excellent shots. On one occasion as I walked to the edge of the crowd I over heard a young man say to his companion “That’s the Chinese cult” I explained his error to him and he apologised most sincerely. I mention this incident because it further stresses the ongoing need to validate the truth and give people the opportunity to position themselves.

Again we set off issuing a beautiful stream of happiness and colour as the crowds parted to allow us to pass on our way to Piccadilly Gardens. The Gardens were thronged with people and we found a space to perform and then rest a little, not knowing that our next site which I intended to visit, Cathedral Square that had been promised to us by Festival Live and then withdrawn would bring an exciting and unexpected conclusion to the day’s wonderful events.

Arriving at Cathedral Square it’s broad expanse lay bright and clear before us, with the Cathedral and tall spires in the background and as I write I think of three flowers gathering above the head going all the way up to heaven to meet us. The lower end of the square was packed with people watching a stage show. We filed elegantly to the centre of the square, took up positions, the banners raised for all to see, the music played and we began to perform. Soon people began to pay attention and after a short period the organizers of the site rushed up to me in an excited manner asking if we would perform on stage. I politely refused the stage because the square was more suited to behold such grace and modesty. Then the organizers when the stage show had finished announced on loud speaker that our performance was about to begin and the people moved to the centre of the square to be enchanted as others had been before. So once again what had been denied us was eventually given to us. Cathedral Square was the site we had been promised for the 3rd and 4th of August and later refused permission. Various and many compliments were paid to us. A man told me directly, “That was marvellous, if I could put in a bottle the happiness that you people show on your faces and sell it, I would make millions”.

When we completed the performance we went to China Town to have a meal and later went to the Chinese Consulate [to appeal]. All agreed that we should carry on and repeat the performance the following day and we did with the same effect. There was more interference on this occasion when a photographer from The Manchester Evening News requested that we meet him in Saint Ann’s Square for a photo shot and arriving a little late we probably missed him. The waiting for his arrival prevented us from visiting a greater area of the city and time was limited as the visiting practitioners had to leave early to return home. Nevertheless it had all been an extraordinary and meaningful experience.

Its interesting to note that during the period when I was awaiting confirmation for the Cathedral Square on August 3rd&4th the Scottish practitioners had decided to apply for the Cavalcade on the same dates and were successful. I was not in the least disturbed that both events might fall on the same dates. I sent them an E-Mail wishing them well. As it turned out our so called failure to gain permission for Cathedral Square was to the benefit of both Manchester and Edinburgh, in many known and unknown ways.

(Extract from The Florida Lecture by Teacher Li). “Clarifying the truth is what we need to do at this time. Do it on a large scale, do it with all the wisdom that you can, and as long as something can save the people, go do it. It doesn’t matter if what you do is expose the evil, or if you use all sorts of approaches, be they direct, indirect or from different angles—as long as you can have people recognize this persecution, you are saving them, and you are extraordinary.”

The flower that was to bloom from out of the cruelty and darkness of the persecution first showed in Oxford and then Manchester to be later fully blown at the Edinburgh Cavalcade. I journeyed with four other practitioners from Manchester to attend. We set out in heavy rain, but soon found welcoming sunshine and bright skies, a hint to what was to be a most memorable and moving experience.
Arriving in Edinburgh, the granite city, the mist still showed a little and the air breathed cool to the skin. As we walked the broad stretch of Princes Street the Castle faintly shrouded, stood solid and upright. We found our way through the already gathering throngs to the meeting point, not in the least expecting to see such a magnificent array of costume and colour. It was now noon and it was to be 3 and a half hours later before we joined the Queens Jubilee Celebration Cavalcade.

Enveloped by waves of bustling activity and by an assortment of many and varied costumed participants, taking up their positions, the practitioners of the dance rehearsed in readiness giving a prelude that could not be fully appreciated until the Cavalcade set off. Heavenly beauty costumes displaying the refinement and richness of the great Tang Dynasty period gave a faint glow of purity to the wearers.
The local press arrived and the ladies were requested to pose for an array of photo shots for close on half an hour. Members of the general public and professional sources repeatedly made requests to photograph them.

The float displayed an array of cultured good taste and beautiful young children sprouted from the hearts of the Lotus flower arrangement dressed in costumes of coloured tenderness. Dafa printed balloons bobbed merrily at the floats front and the poor driver could hardly find a seat to drive because of practitioners baggage.

It was now 2-15 and no sign of moving on. Then word arrived that it would be at least another hour before we got under way. To the best of my knowledge this news did not even cause a ripple of discontent. I paused to notice that everybody was quite relaxed as we waited to join the Cavalcade. I was assigned to the front of the leading section of the dancers to carry one of the 10 beautiful banners embroidered with the Falun Emblem which had been made by Canadian practitioners in Toronto.

Around about 3-20 we fell into formation and proceeded to join the Cavalcade, fronted by a large 4 meter banner, walking a little briskly for the first 100 meters at the stewards request. The strains of “Falun Dafa Hao” rose up and the pace slackened. The people on the pavements started to clap and as I turned to look “I thought how beautiful, how simply beautiful”. I would have great difficulty trying to convey the scene as the dancers somehow seemed to glide gracefully across the broad surface to cheering and hand clapping from people who were so obviously delighted. From where I walked I was at close quarters with the people and I could see their expressions clearly and some joined their hands in genuine salute. Our leading steward waved repeatedly to the crowd and they waved and shouted back as we continued to capture the goodwill of the people. We moved steadily and leisurely towards the end of close on an hour’s display knowing we had created a huge impression, which was to be later proved correct as Falun Gong was awarded the 1st prize in the community section of the Cavalcade. Later we gave a demonstration of the practice in a popular city square with the press in attendance and bade a fond farewell with thanks to the Swedish and French practitioners who had come to contribute to a wonderful occasion, bringing to an end to what many practitioners considered to be a new phase in the presentation and promotion of the righteous Fa [Way] to the people of the United Kingdom.


The success on our part in the Queen’s Jubilee Cavalcade was recognized by the press in the following days with many reports and several photographs. Falun Dafa will be well remembered by the people of Edinburgh for a most uplifting, beautiful outpouring of graciousness, peace and Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance.

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