Houston Chinese Consulate Spreads Lies; Public Library Refuses to Display Slanderous Brochure

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By Falun Gong practitioners

On August 10, 2002, Houston practitioners went to a local library to reserve a meeting room for a free Falun Gong workshop. A librarian informed us that someone from the Houston Chinese Consulate had visited them and asked why the library loaned the meeting room to a Falun Gong group. That person from the Chinese Consulate also slandered Falun Gong by using propaganda from China. The librarians told the people from the Chinese Consulate that Falun Gong is a legal group in the U.S. and the library has the responsibility and obligation to provide services to local legal groups. In the end, the people from the Chinese Consulate became infuriated. They ridiculed the library's stance and attempted to persuade the librarians to display anti-Falun Gong brochures for patrons to read.

Knowing that Houston Falun Gong practitioners have held many free Falun Gong workshops in local libraries, and that many local residents attending the workshops had returned very positive feedback, the librarians were aware that Falun Gong is a righteous mind and body cultivation practice.

Some days later, a staff member in the library showed practitioners one of the slanderous brochures to let the practitioners know what the Chinese Consulate had done.

The practitioners took a look at that brochure and found it full of horrible pictures filled with killing and suicide. The practitioners told the librarian that all these pictures were from the Chinese propaganda, which is completely controlled by the Communist Party to defame and slander Falun Gong and offer excuses for their persecution of Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners follow the principle of "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" and treat others with sincere kindness and tolerance. Falun Gong absolutely prohibits killing and suicide. The staff members in the library expressed their understanding and gave the practitioners that defaming brochure as evidence of the Chinese Consulate's evil and uninhibited propaganda against Falun Gong.

A few days later, the practitioners received a letter from the person in charge of the library, which read,

"We have a policy at the Houston Public Library which regulates what materials we can display to the public and what materials are deemed unfit. That policy clearly prohibits us from displaying this particular material from the Chinese Consulate. I want to reassure you that due to this policy, it is impossible for me to display these brochures."

The Chinese Consulate has spread rumours to slander Falun Gong, to induce hatred among American people, to control the media and also some Chinese communities. It also puts pressure on various U.S. government offices, threatens local residents, and conducts physical harassment, etc., all of which are in opposition to U.S. law.

This April, over ten American citizens and residents filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C, U.S. However, during the hearing of this lawsuit, the Chinese Consulate in Houston continued running illegal activities. It is very obvious that these despicable acts are somehow in direct correlation with this October's visit to Texas by China's head terrorist, Jiang Zemin.

In the U.S., the government, Congress, media, and people from all walks of life have been condemning Jiang's bloody persecution of Falun Gong. Yet, Jiang's regime still absurdly goes its own way in doing bad deeds. However, through these heinous crimes, the rest of the world sees ever more clearly the truth behind its terrible campaign.

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