When she saw that the boys, who used to be as naughty as little monkeys, became so cute and calm when they were learning the exercises, the principal of the local elementary school was very surprised at the power of Falun Dafa. She asked for some introductory materials and asked the practitioner to give her a contact phone number and email address [to learn the exercises]. Another lady watched our demonstration and then asked us for contact information also. She said that she was organising an environmental conservation activity and she wanted to invite us to participate. Across from our booth was the American Cancer Association. When a practitioner walked to them to give them a flyer, their organiser asked the practitioner many questions and also said that they wanted to attend our lectures. Another organiser of the Heath Fair, the head of United Madison Clinic came to our booth and praised Falun Dafa. They said that our exercises were better than their techniques because ours can prevent people from getting sick but theirs can only treat an ill person. They requested some Falun Gong introductory materials and left us their email addresses and asked us to notify them when we have activities. When the Health Fair was ending, Mr. Victor Gordor came to greet the practitioners and he wanted to join one of our activities. So the practitioners gave him the time of the next lecture schedule at the local public library.
The opportunity to attend the Heath Fair came from a letter sent to all residents from City Council Member Mr. Gordor. Though the application deadline had passed, we still called the organiser for a try. They warmly accepted our application without any charge.
This event is just a small local community activity and it only lasted three hours. But since it directly dealt with local residents and had local government officials supporting it, our participation received better result than we expected.
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