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Since July 20, 1999, the Jiang regime has dispatched its Embassy staff on several occasions to send materials defaming Falun Gong to all levels of officials in Nevada State and to the local Chinese community. This has caused the practitioners to sustain an injustice. What they did violated the first amendment of the American Constitution and deprived Falun Gong practitioners of their freedoms of religion, belief and speech, which are protected by the constitution.
In their speeches, the two practitioners introduced to the city council members and officials that Falun Dafa teaches the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. It allows people to improve their moral standard, and let kind people become even better and allows bad people to abandon evil and do good. At the same time, they cited numerous facts exposing the Jiang regime's cruel persecution of overseas Falun Gong practitioners.
The entire audience respectfully listened to their speeches. The City Mayor listened very attentively to their speeches. When the practitioners left the auditorium, the Mayor waved goodbye to them and watched them leave. The meeting was broadcast through the community channel two TV station.
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