During the three-day activity, in extremely hot weather, the practitioners repeatedly demonstrated the five sets of exercises and passed out Falun Gong introductory materials to passers-by. The celebration reached its climax with Kansas' Largest Parade on September 7. The sky was blue and clear. Two practitioners holding banners stating "Falun Dafa," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" led our float to move forward gracefully to the Dafa music "Pudu," and "Jishi." Practitioners wearing bright yellow exercise suits demonstrated the five sets of exercises to the spectators sitting along the roadside, and won a round of applause. Young practitioners on the float constantly waved to people, and people responded with sweet smiles. The parade was successfully concluded with the practitioners' concerted efforts.

Worth noting: before the parade began, a woman passed by our float and was very amazed. She asked if we had Falun Dafa's introductory materials, and she said she was very interested. During the parade, as there were too many people, the practitioners couldn't pass materials to everyone, and many people chased us to ask for them.
The next day, a doctor called and said one of her patients got a copy of Falun Dafa introductory information, and was so pleased she brought it to the doctor. The doctor read the information and immediately called us to find out how to learn the exercises.
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