Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2, Asiatisk Plads
DK-1448 Copenhagen K.
Your Excellency,
Please take a few moments to read our letter. We want you to be aware of the severity of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and the urgency of the matter. If the leaders of democratic countries do not actively help to stop the persecution, another human tragedy is going to smear our conscience and history.

The way Jiang Zemin handles the Falun Gong issue has exposed that he is an evil person. All his accusations concerning the peaceful spiritual practice Falun Gong are fabrications. He is also setting a bad standard for future Chinese leaders to follow. In China the police and officials who persecute Falun Gong practitioners are making a mockery of western leaders. They told practitioners that human rights are for westerners only. Bilateral dialogues with Chinese officials are just a way of preventing us from focusing on their criminal acts. Meanwhile they carry on as usual. If we go along with Jiang Zemins leadership approach we are guilty of helping to create a dangerous situation for the future of the democratic countries. As you are aware of, Chinese officials are already pressing European governments to infringe upon the rights of Falun Gong practitioners in Europe. There are many such examples. This situation is extremely serious.
During these past 3 years of persecution, Falun Gong practitioners all over the world have shown that they are peaceful, contrary to the accusations made by Jiang Zemin.
Many men and women like Ding Yan have faced equally brutal deaths. We beg you to use the authority of your office to actively stop this senseless persecution. China used to intimidate countries that criticise their human rights violations. We pray that the leaders of Europe shall have the compassion and courage to face their Chinese counterparts and tell them that the persecution has to stop now.
Yours sincerely
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