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On September 10, 2002, when new students checked in, the university organised an exhibition of all student groups on campus that night so as to encourage new students to participate in their spare time. Over one thousand new students took part in the activities. The Falun Gong Association took this opportunity to apply for a booth to introduce Falun Gong and clarify the truth about Falun Dafa.

At our booth, we hung banners and a large beautiful poster. On the table, there were piles of Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials, such as flyers, information about Falun Dafa's widespread all over the world and the Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident, truth-clarifying VCDs [Video Cdroms], and materials depicting proclamations from different levels of government to honour Falun Gong. At the same time, we played Dafa music "Pudu," and "Jishi." We distributed a large amount of materials to students and offered detailed information to those who were interested. We welcomed them to learn the exercises. Many students left their contact information, expressing their interest in participating in the future. We also demonstrated Falun Gong exercises on stage and talked about Dafa's guiding principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and the persecution that is taking place in China. The audience gave us their warm applause at the end of the demonstration.
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