Artists Background - In 1996, Ms. Zhang was afflicted with serious rheumatic arthritis. She had been confined in bed and could not paint. After cultivating Falun Gong, her arthritis completely disappeared and she could paint again. In 1999, she went back to China to appeal for Falun Gong, resulting in her eight-month illegal imprisonment and suffering kinds of inhuman torture in a Chinese jail. She was able to return to Australia with the help of the Australian government and kind-hearted people from all walks of life.
September 18 - Exhibition at American University
On September 18, 2002, Falun Gong practitioner and Australian artist Ms. Zhang Cuiying was invited to hold an art exhibition at American University in Washington DC. "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" as seen from the artist's paintings brought peacefulness and harmony to the audience. The artist's eight-month ordeal while being detained and tortured by the Chinese authorities for her persistence in believing in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" gained the kind-hearted people's sincere respect.
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The President of American University and heads from several departments came to the exhibition hall and had a warm conversation with the artist. They expressed that they knew Falun Gong suffers persecution in China and said that after learning of her ordeal and refusal to give up cultivating in Falun Gong, they sincerely admired her and Falun Gong practitioners' courage. Many students who came to the exhibit wrote down in the guest book their appreciation for the goodness that "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" brings to people and their support for Falun Dafa. Some students were eager to learn to practice the exercises and wanted a copy of the Dafa music, "Pudu" and "Jishi."
September 19 & 20 - Exhibitions on Capitol Hill and in the Washington, DC City Hall
On September 19-20, 2002, Australian artist and Falun Gong cultivator, Ms. Zhang Cuiying held a painting exhibition at the Hall of the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC.
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The more than 50 paintings attracted many people who enjoy traditional Chinese art, Congressmen and staff members in the Capitol, and tourists. Ms. Zhang also conducted a live painting demonstration for the audience. A practitioner couple especially came from New Jersey to play musical instruments at the exhibition. Ms. Liu, who has taught Chinese paintings in Washington, DC for 18 years, said with admiration, "Artists of traditional Chinese paintings are often cultivators of different schools. Ms. Zhang Cuiying is able to manifest the artistic conception of the Chinese tradition because of her internal cultivation."
Zhang Cuiying also described to the guests and audience the persecution she suffered because of her persistence in her belief, and she called upon kind-hearted people to help end the persecution of Falun Gong. Her experience drew the visitors' attention to the Jiang regime's persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, and stimulated many visitors' interest in learning Falun Gong. Some visitors followed the movements of practitioners, who were demonstrating the exercises at the exhibition hall. A group of high school students from the state of Virginia even learned the Falun Gong exercises.
Congressman Benjamin Gilman came to the exhibition, and the wife of Congressman Tom Lantos also came to talk to the practitioners. She especially invited the assistant to Congressman Lantos to come over to meet the practitioners.
On September 22, the exhibition continued in City Hall. Though there was some interference while contacting the person in charge the exhibition was still successfully held as scheduled.
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