We continued our activity at the right location, which was in front of the parliament building. We lined up and set up our boards and started to practise. During practice, a representative of the Commission for Foreign Affairs received our materials. Since the members of the commission were not in on that day, he assured us that he would forward it to them and told us that they were eager to receive the information. He wished us good luck with our activity and with reaching our goal. Afterwards two practitioners gave a short speech to inform the passers by about the unjustified persecution of Falun Gong in China. A 16-year-old Dutch practitioner, whose relatives are victims of the persecution in China, gave the second speech talking about their suffering.
Again a few photographers showed up to capture our activity. In a national newspaper a beautiful picture was published of a practitioner doing the Lotus flower hand sign. The accompanying text to the picture reads Falun Gong adherents give a free lesson at the square in front of the parliament building. They demonstrated yesterday against the persecution of their movement in China and the human rights violations there. Afterwards we learned it was the National Day against Violence; we couldnt have chosen a better day!

In the evening the practitioners went to the Chinese embassy to hold a sit-in activity. By candle light they performed the exercises and did the fa Zheng Nian meditation. The day was succesfully concluded at midnight.
On Saturday, the practitioners went to Rotterdam to clarify the truth there. Their tranquil exercises caught many peoples attention and many truth-clarifying materials were given out. On Sunday the practitioners gathered in Amsterdam. At the Dam Square they performed the exercises and many people learned the truth about Falun Dafa. Among them were many Chinese people. This activity was also very positively reported by a national newspaper [to see this media report, please visit http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200210/7476.html].
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