Dafa Practitioner Sun Jihong from Huanan County Kidnapped and Killed by Beijing Police

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Falun Dafa practitioner Sun Jihong was an employee of the Hua'nan County Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang Province. On January 7, 2001, he was forced to leave home in order to avoid further persecution. Since then, he had been doing truth-clarification work in Beijing. On February 4, 2002, the day dedicated as Beijing Falun Dafa Day, he went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Dafa. Shortly after he unfurled his banner, he was arrested. He went on a hunger strike to protest and was released 14 days later. On the night of May 10, 2002, some one reported him to the police, who then took him away from the place where he lived and ransacked that place. While in detention, he firmly resisted the evil persecution and went on a hunger strike to protest. The police force fed him, but they failed in their efforts to force anything into him. On the ninth day, there happened to be some policemen from Hua'nan County Forestry Bureau who came to Beijing to pick up another Dafa practitioner. Beijing police had intended to send Sun Jihong to a labour camp. However, seeing they could not shake his firm belief in Dafa no matter what means they tried, they let the Huanan police take him back. On the way back to Huanan County, he kept a righteous mind and successfully jumped out of the train and escaped.

At around 6 p.m. on September 25, 2002, while Sun Jihong was changing buses near the Yuquanying Intersection in Fengtai District, Beijing, he was kidnapped by the Fengtai District Police Department. Afterwards, the Fengtai District Police Department called the Hua'nan County Forestry Bureau asking for information about Sun Jihong. At the end of September, Sun Jihong was tortured to death. When his family was finally permitted to see his body they found the corpse in a horrifying condition. On October 2, 2002, police had his body immediately cremated without the family's permission. The police are now blocking the news tightly. More details about Sun Jihong's death are yet to be investigated.


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