Country: Germany
Name: Ying Jiang, 27
Personal details: Entrepreneur (Chinese female)
Location of incident: Hamburg, Germany
During these first three months they attempted to locate the passports through various means. When that did not prove successful, they went to the Chinese consulate in Hamburg to apply for replacement passports. After they had filed the necessary papers, they were informed that a personal interview was required. Following that, Ying Jiang and her mother went to the consulate. An employee of the consulate named Ma received them - his first question was, “Are you Falun Gong practitioners?”
When they replied in the affirmative, he began to make defamatory comments and badmouth Falun Gong. He also demanded that they refrain from future protests in front of the consulate. Ying Jiang explained to him what Falun Gong really is and relayed stories of the persecution in China. She explained that what he had said was only the defamatory propaganda that is prevalent in China and that serves to foment the persecution. He did not listen and replied that they had to change their attitude. He also required them to submit in writing their stance on Falun Gong. He made it clear that if they refused it would be impossible to obtain new passports.
Ying Jiang told him that this was blackmail, and he was trampling their rights granted by the Chinese constitution, let alone their rights as German citizens. Both Ying Jiang and her mother said that they do not agree with the defamatory propaganda against Falun Gong. The embassy representative then quickly ended the conversation.
After this incident the family members engaged an attorney to write a letter to the consulate, prompting the officials for a clear answer. The consulate has never replied.
Ying Jiang commented; “Luckily, as mentioned above, we did find our passports in November. When we look back on this incident it seems like a charade...”
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