Ottawa has a population of more than 700,000. Since most residents work in the government offices, or cultural and high-tech companies, libraries therefore play an important role in local residents' life. Libraries in Ottawa provide many facilities, which attract many Chinese people who study and work here. The largest library in Ottawa usually receives over a thousand visitors daily. Although Jiang's regime has been suppressing Falun Gong in China for over 3 years, Falun Gong has taken root in the soil of Ottawa and is growing steadily. This practice that carries the essence of traditional oriental culture has attracted more and more Canadian people.
Ms. Zhang, who presided over this photo exhibition said, "Similar photo exhibitions have been held a number of times in museums, libraries and bookstores in the Ottawa area." She said, "We will continue to do so and we believe that we will do better and better."
The present reporter also met a few Chinese people who came to the library to borrow books. When I asked them what they thought about the Falun Dafa photo exhibition, a gentleman said that this was normal and Falun Gong should have the right to conduct such an exhibition in the Canadian society. Another gentleman who just came to Canada from China said that he was not quite sure whether to believe in the Chinese Party's propaganda or to believe in Falun Gong, but he did not think that Falun Gong was as terrible as what was described in China's media. He was quite interested in finding out what Falun Gong is all about.
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