One young man was very interested in learning more and said that he could not understand why many western people do not believe that benefits can be received from practising qigong exercises. He was excited that practitioners had visited his city and when someone told him about the persecution of practitioners in China he was disappointed and disgusted in the terrible deeds of Jiang’s political group.
Many Chinese live in this city and they were surprised to see people, particularly western people, practising Falun Gong in public. A lot of Chinese people happily accepted flyers and VCDs that revealed the truth about Falun Dafa; some even took copies for their friends. One young Chinese man listened to what a practitioner told him about the persecution but refused to take a leaflet. He openly admitted to the practitioner that he did not dare to take a leaflet because he felt that his mind had been poisoned by Jiang’s vicious web of propaganda and violence.
One local man had just been to a city bookshop to pick up a copy of Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa]. He was on his way home when he suddenly saw the Falun Dafa stall in front of him. He was very happy and surprised to see them.
In the afternoon the city’s newspaper came to talk to practitioners and take some photos for a report about Dafa and the activities that day. They were closely followed by the Sheriff and Sheriff’s lady. The Sheriff was very interested to learn more about Dafa and stayed to speak with practitioners and hear the truth about the persecution. The Sheriff had recently been on holiday in China. They told practitioners that when they were on Tiananmen Square they saw a Chinese person unfurl a yellow banner with red writing. The Sheriff said that the police were so quick in capturing this person that one got the impression that they were posted there solely for the purpose of capturing those who appeal. The police wrapped this person in the banner, quickly forced them into the back of a waiting car and drove away. The Sheriff said that she now thinks that this person could have been a Dafa practitioner. The Sheriff and the Sheriff’s Lady both happily left with Compassion magazine [A journal of Falun Dafa around the world] and information on the practice of Falun Dafa and the Jiang regime’s latest attempts to inflict their vicious terror tactics on the free society of Hong Kong.
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