Värmlands Folkbladet (Swedish newspaper): When Will Today’s World Wake Up?

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On 16th December 2002, Värmlands Folkbladet published the following article:

By Eva Karlsson

Recently, I heard Ms. Flora Gladh and Mr. Ernst Köppler tell the terrible story of how Hitler persecuted the Jews. Their talk reminded me of how people can easily be cheated, fooled and controlled by evil, lies and slander.

Thank you very much to them for reminding me – people often need this kind of reminder. When I listened to and later read their description, I was in tears. Why? Because this tragedy that happened during the 2nd World War is being replayed today.

On the other side of Earth, innocent and kind people are being persecuted to death in large numbers. When I read the daily reports on these murders, I always feel very helpless.

Ernst said that Hitler had started to spread lies to insult the Jews in German cities at the end of 1920s. Gradually, these lies became accepted among German people as facts, so, when the kristallnatten (Hitler’s command to suppress the Jews) happened, people only stood by and watched.

The Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin has made use of Hitler’s method to suppress virtuous Falun Gong practitioners, constantly repeating lies until people begin to take them as the truth. It is a pity that many Chinese people, and even some westerners, media and politicians, have been poisoned and think that Falun Gong is dangerous.

What is the purpose of this? It is to deceive the public, and make excuses for killing by taking advantage of various state organizations, the media and Chinese embassies and consulates to continually spread lies about Falun Gong, and at the same time, block Falun Gong web sites, and any true news about Falun Gong out, so that these lies can spread all over the world.

But, why does he want to persecute innocent people? Perhaps because he is jealous of Falun Gong which touched people’s hearts, as 100 million people began to practise Falun gong in only several years and started to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

This peaceful practice can make the body strong and healthy whilst cultivating the heart and mind.

These good people, Falun Gong practitioners, have been killed, murdered, raped, had forced abortions etc. The list is very long, and all this has been under Jiang Zemin’s instigation. The dictator’s order to “kill them without mercy” has made Falun Gong practitioners suffer tragic persecution. This includes children and senior citizens

The reason that Ernst and Flora talked about their terrible experiences is to teach the people of the world a lesson. When will the world wake up?

Chinese version available at

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