After seeing all the pictures the general editor of the newspaper said, “It is not the Falun Gong practitioners who blocked the street, but the policemen.” I said to him that I already printed out the websites where those pictures were published on the internet, and I asked whether he would prefer a hard copy of the pictures or whether he would like to see them for himself. He said he’d go see by his self and that he’d made a copy of the website addresses. He then told me that he had no time and proceeded to give me his business card for an interview later on. I said, "I’ve got another article related to the "The Book of Revelations". Would you like to make a copy? People have started to study it after the terrorist events on the 11th of September in the States. They all think that the big event mentioned in it refers to the People’s Republic of China rather than Jerusalem." He immediately expressed a lot of interest and asked for a copy of it.
I realised from this experience that the quicker that articles are updated and posted on the English Dafa website, the sooner German practitioners can start to translate them into German. And therefore articles that I select will be suited for that particular period of time. As long as it’s related to exposing the evil persecution, no matter what German news it is, you can just carry it with you. This way one can pass on the articles so that people may read them later if they don’t have time at that moment. It is also good to address people with a topic that interests them. You don’t know what they might be interested in. Do not pursue anything when talking face to face with people. Just talk about how good Falun Dafa is, how urgent the situation in Hong Kong is, and then he/she will stop working and listen to you even if you don’t have an appointment.
After sharing my experience with some other practitioners, they all agreed that it’s more reasonable for those who are very elderly or who don’t speak fluent German to expose the persecution by sitting still with a peaceful mind in front of the Chinese consulate. Those who speak fluent German should go to the German and European societies and expose the evil persecution by revealing the the truth so that people in the world will no longer be deceived by the Jiang regime's lies and propaganda. The governments of the democratic countries are selected by the people and represent the people. If the societies in the democratic countries are against Dafa, then their future won’t be good. We should consider it our responsibility not to allow any living creatures to commit a crime against Falun Dafa.
What is important during this week is to stop the persecution from spreading. During our experience sharing conference, we felt that that we weren’t worthy of the title of ‘Fa-rectification Dafa disciple’. We should search within ourselves and improve from there.
Translated from Chinese at
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