Three Months Without Food is Unable to Weaken the Steadfast Belief of Liu Yongwang

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Liu Yongwang was kidnapped in Shanghai on September 15th 2001 and has been illegally detained for more than a year. In mid-December of 2001, Liu was transferred to Baodin Labour Camp in Hebei province. At that time, he had been on a hunger strike for about 3 months to protest against his illegal incarceration. The blood that was drawn from his body was black, and his veins were half collapsed. It became very difficult to administer intravenous injections to Liu. On one occasion, several doctors tried more than ten times before the injection was successfully administered.

By early 2002, Liu had been on a hunger strike for 110 days. At this point, he had lost much of his muscle mass. The muscles around his wrists and face had withered so much that it looked like thin skin wrapped around bare bones. In addition, his body weight had dropped from 165 lbs to around 94 lbs. Liu could still move his upper body, but his lower body had become so weak that he needed two people to help him walk. Liu's voice also changed drastically; he sounds like an elementary school girl with a coarse voice. Liu lost consciousness many times while he was on hunger strike. At one point, he slipped into a coma after he had endured several hours of torture. He had been tortured in many different ways but he never gave in.

Liu's health improved slightly after he started to eat, but he was still very weak.

Half a month ago, Liu was transferred from Baodin Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp to the sixth team in Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp, Hebei province. To protest the persecution, Liu is once again on a hunger strike. We hope international human rights organisations will support and help rescue Liu Yongwang.

Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp Telephone Number: 86-315-3365895

Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp Administration Office Telephone Number: 86-315-2868965, 86-315-2861431, 86-315-2862477, 86-315-2861363.

Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp (Tangshan City Labour Camp) Direct Number: 86-315-2861363

Sixth Team of Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp: 86-315-2861363

Kaiping No. 1 Forced Labour Camp, Tangshan City, Hebei Province Numbers:

Administrator: 86-315-3362702 (office), 86-315-2020980 (home)

Political director: 86-315-3368810 (office), 86-315-2037944 (home)

Assistant chief: 86-13001417678 (cell)

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