We are doing things in human society, so we need to conform to the way of thinking of everyday people. Therefore, mastering and using the techniques of everyday people is also a manifestation of conforming to the Fa [Universal laws and principles] at the level of the human world. However, should we put our focus of the work we do for Dafa on the techniques? [Work refers to the practical work undertaken by practitioners to expose the evil persecution in China and restore the good name of Falun Dafa] I feel that many of our practitioners have the inclination to rely too much on techniques to do Dafa work. Not long ago, some practitioners spent lots of time and effort discussing these techniques, and they also invited the experts to teach practitioners about various techniques. Practitioners who contribute to areas without technical support have become very envious of those who contribute in areas with technical support. It seems to be like if we have stable technical support, we will be able to do a better job in clarifying the truth.
Relying on human techniques seems reasonable on the surface; however, it is everyday people's thinking. Every miracle practitioners create in the human world is the manifestation of our cultivated side enlightening to higher Fa principles. However, when we are deluded by what our flesh eyes see, we tend to sum up our experience just like everyday people do. We would feel that this truth-clarifying video is done well because we have used certain techniques, such as special equipment, software, lighting, etc. As a matter of fact, what can really make everyday people's techniques work is the realm and wisdom practitioners have enlightened to in their cultivation, not our studying and exploring the techniques. For example, a fellow practitioner did not know much about techniques, and she did not have the many concerns about techniques in her mind. By relying on common sense and her intuition as a cultivator, she was able to accomplish the Dafa task very well. Of course, I am not saying that we should not study the techniques. Instead, my point is that any trouble we encounter amidst our cultivation is related to the elevation of our xinxing (mind nature). Once we improve our xinxing, we will be able to use the techniques well and resolve the problem with ease.
Another related issue is how to treat the different methods we use to clarify the truth. It follows the same logic. The reason that we are able to clarify the truth clearly is because we have improved our xinxing and elevated our level. The methods themselves are not the determinants of the outcome of our clarifying the truth. Methods are just what everyday people use to do things, and they are not intended to confuse and restrain practitioners. Some practitioners feel that making phone calls to China is the best method to clarify the truth, some think chatting on Internet is the best, others think that doing media work is the best. Some become attached to their own methods, and even argue with each other, trying to convince others that they have the best method. This loophole certainly gives the old forces excuses to interfere with Fa-rectification. As a result, the rate of calling to China increased about ten fold without any reason; often some technical problem occurs when practitioners chat on Internet and practitioners who create TV programs find they have no inspiration.
Some practitioners have said that when we are in a calm state of mind, we are all aware that our cultivation should focus on improving our xinxing. However, when it comes to the practical questions, we still tend to use everyday people's thinking to analyze and do things. Our heart is on Dafa, however, our state of mind is still on the level of everyday people.
All good methods that everyday people use can be utilized by us to do Fa-rectification work. The point is that we cannot get attached to specific methods. For example, making phone calls, chatting on the Internet, and making TV or radio programs are all good methods for truth-clarification. However, while doing Fa-rectification work using these methods, we should study the Fa more and look inward often. We should share with each other ways how we strengthen our righteous thoughts, and improve our xinxing. Only by doing this can we truly advance as one whole body. I feel that this is the right state of mind that we should have no matter what methods or techniques we use in Fa-rectification and it is also the true shortcut we can take to clarify the truth and offer salvation to sentient beings.
The above is just some of my shallow understanding. I hope it can encourage more discussion so we can improve as one body.
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