From Cambridge, London, Manchester and Birmingham in England to Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland, there are many touching stories each day about the efforts made to rescue Baolian and Yongjie. From the signature book prepared by practitioners, it is not hard to find that the stories of Baolian and Yongjie have touched the hearts of people from all walks of life: from young children to retirees, from young scholars to famous professors, from housewives to government officials and from dustmen to company managers.
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A young girl in Cambridge insisted that practitioners pass on her own teddy bear to Baolian and Yongjie to express her hope that they can be released soon. A visually impaired man heard the news and came to sign his name with the help of his friend. Many people took the signature forms home, or to their companies and churches to ask all of their friends and colleagues to sign. Some people suggested that practitioners seek help from the media and the government to let more people learn about the truth and to help stop the persecution. Many UK people who have various associations with China realized the best way to help stop the persecution is to break through the Jiang regimes web of lies and let the deceived Chinese people know the truth. Many of them requested materials in Chinese to show to their Chinese friends. Passers by left flowers and sweets on the signature table to express their best wishes to Dafa practitioners.

Baolian and Yongjies stories also inspired a UK Playwright who has a sense of justice. She composed a drama especially for Baolian and Yongjie to be performed around the UK, in order to expose the dictator Jiangs brutal persecution against believers of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to awaken more people to his terrible crimes against humanity. At present, the drama is being rehearsed. Some officials in UK governmental departments also expressed their concerns about the plight of Baolian and Yongjie. Baolians brother has been in touch with his Member of Parliament, who is ready to initiate a resolution in a UK Parliament discussion regarding the rescue of UK Falun Gong practitioners persecuted family members in China.
Baolian and Yongjies stories have not only touched the hearts of the UK people, but also moved the Chinese people who have been able to see through the Jiang regimes lies. In Edinburgh, a group of Chinese people gathered around Dafa practitioners to request to learn the truth. Several young Chinese men formed a queue to sign their names to support Falun Gong. A female Chinese scholar living in Cambridge was moved to tears by the horrific suffering of innocent Baolian and Yongjie.
All kind-hearted people are awakening and seeing the truth behind the Jiang regimes lies. The brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is being exposed to the world. The evil persecutors are no longer being able to hide themselves. The end of Jiangs tyranny is not far away.
We sternly demand that the Jiang regime and its accomplices immediately release Baolian and Yongjie and all Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally detained.
Translated on January 30, 2003
Chinese version available at
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