From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Chinatown was crowded with many visitors. The practitioners took the opportunity to clarify the truth.
Many people came over to the practitioners' stand to talk with us about the lawsuit against Jiang. The practitioners noticed that some Chinese still had a misunderstanding toward Falun Dafa due to Jiang regime's lies and slander over the past three years, but the lawsuit against Jiang and the establishment of the International Organisation to Investigate the persecution of Falun Gong have upheld justice and greatly encouraged the deceived people to learn about the truth and speak up with courage.
A middle-aged Westerner walked up to our stand and said to us, "I read about Falun Gong in the newspaper, I admire you. Jiang is afraid that people don't listen to him, but the more he does like this, the more I feel Falun Gong is good. All those being blamed by the Party have turned out to be good."
A Chinese woman said, "I run a business in the Mainland, and dare not to support you openly. But I've read Mr. Li's book and practised the Falun Gong exercises. Falun Gong is a very good cultivation practise, I'm quite clear about it. I sincerely hope you to succeed. The day seems not far!"
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