Reign of Terror Denies Human Rights in Hebei Province

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Liu Chunye is a 36-year-old lady. After July 20, 1999, her family suffered great hardship after being fined 2000 Yuan [the average monthly income for an urban Falun Gong practitioner is 500 Yuan]. At the township office she was hung up with ropes and tortured, then further tortured at the Xuanhua Detention Centre. Her husband and children were terrified. She was forced to report to the village office three times per day.

Fan Huaixian, a 71 year old lady, was fined 500 Yuan by the local police. The township officers also cursed her. She was illegally detained for half a month in the town while paying for her own meals. Since no practising of Falun Gong was allowed, sadly serious diseases that had been cured when she practised Falun Gong returned to her body.

After July 20, 1999, the county, the township "610 Office" [The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems], the public security bureau, and the police forced practitioners to attend a meeting at the local police station. They were forced to give up their Dafa books, and threatened that they must give up the practice of Falun Gong or risk being detained. Later, they were brainwashed for 6 days in the village office while being illegally monitored. They had no freedom. Meals were sent in by their families, going home was not allowed. They slept on the tables and chairs during the night. Sometimes, they were forced to work while being cursed at. After being released, they were forced to report to the village office three times per day for over two months. The rule was that whenever the loudspeaker sounded, they must show up. Much of their farm work was delayed, and each person was fined 300 Yuan. Such reporting to the village office would again be enforced whenever they felt it was a sensitive date, such as the New Year, and each time it lasted for a long period of time.

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