After 4 days in Tallinn, Estonia, Zhang Cui Yings art exhibition officially opened in the art gallery Vagnera in Riga, Latvia on March 5 2003. Local media, government officials, artists and art lovers in their hundreds attended the opening. With the help of an interpreter, Zhang Cui Ying described her love for painting and the great benefits she has received from practising Falun Dafa. The art exhibition coincided with the a celebration of 200 years since the opening of the gallery. The administrators of the gallery were so impressed with the high quality of the exhibition that they waived the usual fee for using the gallery. In addition, they provided free advertising for the exhibition. They also presented Zhang Cui Ying with flowers. The peacefulness and wonder of the paintings touched many people.
Zhang Cui Ying (left) next to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga |
Zhang Cui Ying revealed how Falun Dafa saved her from crippling arthritis and therefore allowed her to continue fulfilling her passion for painting. She expressed her deepest concern for the lives of Falun Dafa practitioners in China, who are still being tortured, beaten and killed under Jiang Zemin's orders. She asked all kind hearted people to help to end this inhuman suppression. Finally, Zhang Cui Ying thanked the people in Riga, Latvia for making the art exhibition such a success.
See Zhang Cui Ying's paintings at
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