May 13, 2013, marks the 21st anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the public and the 14th annual World Falun Dafa Day celebrations, as well as Master Li's birthday. European practitioners respectfully celebrated World Falun Dafa Day by hosting events in their communities and sending greetings to the founder of the practice, Master Li Hongzhi
All Practitioners in Romania Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 21st Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction to the Public! Respectfully Wishing Compassionate Great Master a Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from Italy Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Master Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from Serbia and Serbian Practitioners Living Abroad Respectfully Wish Compassionate Great Master Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from The Czech Republic and Slovakia Respectfully Wish Compassionate Great Master Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from Bulgaria Respectfully Wish Compassionate Great Master Happy Birthday! |
All Practitioners from France Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Master Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from Russia Celebrate the 21st Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction and Respectfully Wish Master Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from Denmark Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 21st Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction to the Public! Respectfully Wishing Compassionate Great Master a Happy Birthday! |
Practitioners from Austria Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Master Happy Birthday ! |
Practitioners from the Netherlands Celebrate the 21st Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction and Respectfully Wish Compassionate Great Master Happy Birthday! |
A New Practitioner's Family from Belgium Respectfully Wishes Compassionate Great Master Happy Birthday! |
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