Reporter: Why have you come to Geneva to participate in the Falun Gong parade?
Baosheng: My sister is a Falun Gong practitioner. On 15th December 2002, when she was out with her friend, they were arrested because the police found some Falun Gong materials in their car. The police did not inform our family about her arrest. One month later, our family got to know her whereabouts by asking someone who knew the inside story of what happened in the police station. But, the police would not allow us to see her, unless she gave up Falun Gong. Eight months later, she was sentenced to four years imprisonment. There were five other Falun Gong practitioners sentenced at the same time.
Reporter: Has she benefited from practising Falun Gong?
Baosheng: My sister worked for a pharmaceutical factory, and began practising Falun Gong in 1994. Before she practised Falun Gong, she smoked and drank a lot and she had a bad temper. Because she is the youngest in our family, others always spoiled her. After she practised Falun Gong, she gave up smoking and drinking. She became gentle and kind. On her recommendation, I began practising Falun Gong as well. I had suffered from pneumonia for three months before I practised Falun Gong. I have never had a headache or fever since I began practising Falun Gong four years ago.
Reporter: After she was put in jail, did your family go to see her? How about her current situation?
Baosheng: My older sister went to see her, but she did not want to worry me, so she would not tell me her true situation. But I know that there are a lot of detained Falun Gong practitioners tortured every day in China. I am very worried about my sister and I hope she will be released through the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners and the people of the world.
Reporter: Are you confident about the overseas rescue campaign?
Baosheng: I am, because there have been many Falun Gong practitioners released and returned to free countries with the help of the Canadian, American, and Australian governments, such as professor Kunlun Zhang from Canada, artist Cuiying Zhang from Australia and Professor Lili Feng from America. Rescuing my sister is not only for herself, but also for all the Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted. As long as the persecution of Falun Gong has not finished in China, I will appeal for the rescue of all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners.
In order to appeal for the rescue of Xiong Wei, who has been illegally detained, Zhiyuan Xiong, her brother, came to Geneva from Israel

Zhiyuan Xiong, who is an Israeli citizen, is employed as an international business adviser. He came to Geneva from Israel to appeal to the UN to help to rescue his sister, Xiong Wei.
Xiong Wei attended University in Germany. At that time, her health was very poor because of the heavy pressure from her studies. She changed noticeably after she started to practise Falun Gong and soon developed a healthy body and mind. She went back to Beijing to work two years ago. On 5th January 2001, she was arrested by plain-clothes police when she was distributing Falun Gong leaflets in Beijing. She was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment without trail. Her parents were allowed to see her only for 30 minutes after she was put into a labour camp for half a year. Afterwards, I often heard from my parents by phone that Xiong Wei has become more and more feeble. My parents telephone has been tapped and we cannot talk about sensitive topics.
My family is very worried about her, as information about Falun Gong practitioners being tortured in China is being continually received, and many practitioners have been tortured to death. For instance, there were 38 Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death last month. My family are extremely worried about my sister.
Mr. Xiong greatly appreciates the Israeli and German governments efforts to rescue his sister Xiong Wei. Recently, an international human rights organisation located in Germany, the Berlin Technical University where Xiong Wei studied, the German-Chinese Language and Culture Association, and the German Falun Dafa Association have printed 60,000 copies of a post card addressed to the German Prime Minister. These postcards ask him to appeal to the Chinese government to release all the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners. There have been six MPs as well as the leader of the opposition party who have signed the petition to condemn the Jiangs regime and asked for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. Israel Falun Gong practitioners also sat in front of the Israeli Chinese Embassy for 58 hours to appeal for the release of Xiong Wei.
Mr. Xiong came to Geneva to appeal to kind-hearted people and governments of the world to support Falun Gong, to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to rescue thousands upon thousands of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China, just like his sister.
Appeal for the Release of Hong Kong practitioner, Chu O-Ming

Mr. Chu O-ming is a businessman from Hong Kong. After he handed an indictment against Jiang Zemin for his brutal persecution on Falun Gong to a Beijing court, he was arrested on 7th September 2001. He was sentenced to over 10 years imprisonment without legal representation. His family were also put under pressure in Beijing. Mr. Chen and some other Hong Kong practitioners came to Geneva to let as many people as possible know about the persecution of Chu O-Ming and to appeal for his release as soon as possible.
Chinese version available at http://yuanming.net/articles/200303/18442.html
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